Gun safety for you and your family
Range Safety Officer
Training Classes NRA Gun Safety
SLED Gun Safety
Guide to Gun Safety Learn Gun
Safety With Eddie Eagle
Paladin Services LLC senior instructors Joseph
Katz and Janet Katz integrated gun safety into
their family life a
long time ago.
That's among the reasons why our
and Basic Pistol class is always a firearms
safety class. Gun safety is much more than a
slogan to us or a way for anti-gun fanatics
choose to exert control over other people. Gun
safety is part of the way we live. Because our concern for gun
safety extends beyond ourselves and our own
classes we provide essential safety
elements here—online at
paladin.busman.com—for the ongoing benefit of our
own students and other people too.
We at Paladin
Services LLC hope that this gun
safety section of our web site benefits you and
your family even if you never take a class from us and even if we never meet
you. We're
all of us in this life together. It's a better
life if we all work with reality, strength, and
good will instead of
fantasy, insecurities, and fear.
Gun Safety
for Adults
NRA Gun Safety
Rules.The NRA gun safety rules are simple,
basic, and universal. They developed from the
cumulative experience of generations of
Americans who used firearms for good purposes.
SLED Gun Safety
Rules. SLED's gun safety rules, which build
upon the NRA gun safety rules, are on the SLED
exam for the South Carolina CWP. The aim of the
SLED exam—as we teach our CWP and Basic Pistol class— is to help you
learn what's required for the SC CWP, not to
trick you or punish you. We review you
thoroughly for the SLED exam before you take it
so you understand what is important for South
Range Safety Officer Classes.
Range Safety Officers oversee and conduct safe operations of shooting
ranges throughout the country. We are appointed to train
experienced, responsible adults and recommend
their certification. When you are at a shooting
range, organization, or club look for assistance
from the men and women who proudly wear the NRA
Range Safety Officer emblem as an insignia of
their commitment to your shooting safety. Apply
for a Range Safety Officer
class when you're ready and want to help
other people shoot in a safe environment.
There's no limit on safety.
Gun Safety
for Children
Guide to Gun Safety. How
to keep your children safe in the real world,
where there are many kinds of potentially
dangerous machines? In our CWP and Basic Pistol
class we explain what you can—and should—do
for your children's safety at each stage. In our
Personal Protection In The Home class we teach
how to protect them in the event of home
invasion and related dangers.
Learn Gun
Safety With Eddie Eagle. Very young children
need a different approach to firearms safety. In this animated
video the NRA's Eddie Eagle mascot teaches
practical gun safety to pre-school through third
grade children: "Stop! Don't touch. Leave the
area. Tell an adult." It's catchy and memorable
and delivers the right message to very young
kids. Eddie Eagle helps us protect them. In our
CWP and Basic Pistol class we explain how to use
this approach to protect the very young kids in
your family.
Paladin Services LLC safety
is our foremost concern. If safety is your concern too
we can help you learn gun safety methods for
yourself and everyone else in your family no matter what
their age.
Email us about taking our basic class and learn how
to be safe around firearms. Please be sure to include
your local telephone number(s) so we can call to
determine your needs and answer your questions.
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Copyright ©
Paladin Services LLC. "Paladin Services" and "Paladin"
used with reference to firearms education, instruction, training, and related services,
goods, and/or products are service marks and/or trademarks
of Paladin Services LLC. The chess knight design element
(whether with or without a shield
and/or the word "Paladin") in said contexts is a service mark and/or trademark of Paladin Services LLC.
Courses, terms, offerings, descriptions, dates, prices, locations,
and other representations in this site and/or related materials
including but not limited to advertisements, listings,
and brochures are subject to change without notice. |